We had our monthly assembly on Wednesday! Congratulations to our Students of the Month for August. Also, congratulations to our school wide Rock, Paper, Scissors champion: Laycee Freeman! Mrs. Molder was our staff champion!
5 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Students of the Month- August
5th Grade: Toby Medlin
6th Grade: Talyn Mankins
7th Grade: Levi Workman
8th Grade: Peyton Shores
Laycee Freeman
Cedarville homecoming is next week (September 9-13)! You can access information about homecoming on our website, social media pages, and using the following link. Spirit day information can be found on our website and social media pages! https://www.canva.com/design/DAGPunt1fQQ/uYiAylOglI6hBgJ6bkTkwQ/view?utm_content=DAGPunt1fQQ&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
5 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Homecoming 2024
Homecoming Info 2024
Information about tonight's senior high football game at Mountainburg: The game will kick off at 7:00. Mountainburg's admission to the game is $7, and they only accept cash. We hope to see you there!
5 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Game Information
Thursday night, the pirates host Mountainburg at home! There will be a shortened 7th grade football game beginning at 5:30 with a regular junior high game beginning at 6:30. We hope to see you there!
5 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Junior High Schedule
Here is a link to the CMS fall semester newsletter. Please refer back to the document throughout the semester for updated information! https://secure.smore.com/n/skhbd
5 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Fall 2024 Newsletter
Parents/Guardians: CMS teachers were asked to keep students in classrooms for a short time this morning due to a student disruption. The situation has been handled, and our classes have resumed as normal.
6 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Football homecoming is the week of September 9-13! Spirit days can be found on the CMS website and social media pages. If you are the leader/sponsor of a homecoming float, please fill out this form ASAP: https://forms.gle/uLE6MAJ7so7BKZZB6
6 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Homecoming 2024
Here are our September menus!
6 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Lunch Menu- September
Breakfast Menu- September
CACFP September Menu
Football season is back, and games will begin Thursday! The Cedarville School District will follow the same procedures that were put into place last year. You can find that list of procedures on the CMS website/social media pages. The document can also be accessed here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFtlXEpIZQ/72Eez111MuISYDv6h9t-tw/view?utm_content=DAFtlXEpIZQ&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
6 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Stadium Information
CMS Pick-Up/Drop-Off Reminder: Students should be dropped off in the mornings and picked up in the afternoons at the CHS "island." Please do not drive past the island to drop off/pick up students. We have these procedures in place for the safety of our students and staff.
6 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Here are the 2024 Pirate football schedules!
6 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Junior High Football
Varsity Football
We hope to see you there!
6 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Community Pep Rally
Congratulations to the ladies selected for our 2024 Homecoming Court! 7th Grade: Kenzie Cockrell & Piper Holmes 8th Grade: Josie Metcalf & Annabelle Terry
6 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
2024 Football Homecoming Court
Kenzie Cockrell
Piper Holmes
Josie Metcalf
Annabelle Terry
School Picture Day for all Cedarville students is next Friday, August 23rd!
6 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Picture Day
We are excited to see all of our students tomorrow! The buses will drop off students between CHS and the Agriculture building as normal. Car rider drop-off and pick-up for CMS students is at the "island" by CHS. In the mornings, students will enter through the side doors of the high school and walk to the cafeteria. After school, students will walk down to the "island" to meet parents. Only staff members drive up to the school during these times for students and staff safety purposes. See everyone tomorrow morning!
6 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Reminder: Tonight (8/6), CMS will host our 5th Grade Orientation for our 5th grade students and families (only) from 5-6:30. Thursday (8/8), we will host our Open House from 5-7. If you are attending either night, stop by any time to get schedules and meet teachers! The CHS cafeteria will have hot dogs for our families during Open House. We are excited to see everyone!
6 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Back to School
We want to give a shout out to our custodial staff! They have worked long hours this summer to make our school look amazing and get us ready to welcome students for the 2024-2025 school year. We are ready to see students and families next week at 5th Grade Orientation and Open House!
6 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Hallway 2
Hallway 2
CMS would love your feedback! Please help us understand how to best meet needs and create a positive school culture/climate by providing input on this quick survey! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfBOW-2t1-9Rl82ldNngX7b6S7N0E7XXZSNZOoIFq4HXjfkrg/viewform?usp=sf_link
7 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
CMS Survey
The CMS 2024-25 school supply list has been shared to the school's website and social media pages. The 2024-25 CMS student handbook was approved by the board of education, and changes were made based on parent/guardian/community input. The current handbook can be found on our website.
7 months ago, Dr. Sarah McPhate
Summer Announcement